Monday, November 10, 2008


Hey Baby Girl,
You had a rough night last night.
You developed a hole in your lung that was causing air to escape and build up in your chest.
We feel so lucky that the doctors found it so quickly- cause if not, this hole and the air pressure could have caused your lung to collapse.
Now you have a tube from your side into your chest to release the air.
So, crisis averted.

On to the good news... you are back on to just 35% oxygen AND the doctors removed the billi-ruben lights. Now you can lay in your comfy little space without a mask over your eyes.

Your mommy got to lift you up yesterday while the nurses changed your bedding. I think that moments like that are really wonderful for you and your mommy.

As always,
Truly, maddly, deeply,
you are loved,

Aunt Jennifer

1 comment:

Jen said...

I just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you, and your sweet niece and your sister. Being a preemie mom is so very hard. I am praying for you all.