Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Can you believe it?!?!?

Baby girl,
The doctors took the tubes out of your throat today!!!!!!!!
Can you even believe it?

Your mommy was telling me that last night that as she was reading a book, she felt the need to pray for specific things about your road to health rather than just praying for your overall well-being. So, she (along with Nana) decided to pray that your body would be strong enough to breath without the help of the tubes which have been damaging your lungs.
Your mommy couldn't sleep last night after praying, so she went to the hospital at 4:00 in the morning to visit with you.
The respiratory therapist came up to her while she was with you and told her they were going to remove the tubes around two hours after her visit!
I am so grateful to see Heavenly Father's hand in your life. You are a wonder to behold and I appreciate the opportunity that our family has had to pray for you. We know that sometimes Heavenly Father's infinite wisdom allows things to happen that we fervently pray to prevent, as in the passing of Grandma Carol. Even though we were sad, we understood that God had a different plan for her than we did.
But we are so happy to see that our desires for you and your well- being at this time are in line with Heavenly Father's plan for you and we are thrilled!
You have been doing amazingly well today! We are so grateful to see this miracle of your strength!
Now, your mommy gets to see your face and hear your sounds.
What an incredible day!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

oh, wow!! what wonderful news!! she is such a strong girl (and cute!). I am so happy for all of you.