Monday, December 22, 2008

Wow, I need to catch up on posting...

Miss Alyssa,
I had the time of my life with you and your mommy last week.
I got to hang out with you and all of your family plus your Aunt Janice and cousin Chloe- and boy was it wonderful!
Your mommy got to hold you every night that I was there... the doctors told her she had good "heaters". (that is a good thing, not a pervy thing)
You waved your hand at me, you looked straight into my eyes, and I fell head over heals for you.
Your mommy is getting to know you pretty well- even from the few short times that she has been able to hold you.
she knows that you don't like to be cold. When the doctors place you in her arms, sometimes she has to remind them to quickly put a blanket over you so that you can stay warm from your mother's body heat.
she also knows that when you get moved, you get mucus build-up. As long as the doctors get the mucus out of you, you are content to stay in your mom's arms all day.
she knows that you love to hear her sing and read scriptures to you.
I think that your mom is doing an awesome job and I think you are, too. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your life.

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