Sunday, November 30, 2008

Look at you grow...

Baby girl,
You are staying so strong even through the craziness of your new life. The doctors said that the blood in your brain has not gotten worse, so they are confident that within the next few weeks, the blood should pretty much disappear.
We are so thrilled about that!
You have also gained a bit of "bloating" weight... which is not good. But the medicine that the doctor has given you is working... so that IS good.
I continue to be amazed at how hard you are fighting.
What a blessing you are!

On a side note, here is your cute, cute, cute big brother. Isn't he adorable?! You are just going to love him to pieces.

As always,
You are loved.
Truly, madly, deeply,

Aunt Jennifer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They are both adorable! We are so glad to hear good news. I know things could be so much worse and we are greatful that it's not. Love always